I remember when I used to come here often and write about my feelings. I remember when I was a (very small) part of this virtual community. I remember when I was infertile and longing to have a child. I also remember how, back in those days, I would read only blogs about infertility and/or adoption. My life was infertility.But today, I am miles away from the girl who started this blog 3 years ago. When I first posted in 2005, I never ever would have imagined that 3 years later, I would be sitting here, as big as a whale, expecting my second boy and celebrating my son's second birthday.
It never felt quite right to be writing after I had Félix. I had started this blog to talk about infertility and it just felt weird to be talking about my son when so many women out there still struggled and hurt. It felt even weirder when I got pregnant with #2 so fast (even though it was with injectibles and pills). I just couldn't find the right words. So I stopped writing, but kept on reading.
And I thought I owed an update to those out there who have been there for me.
So here I am, 34 weeks pregnant and there's really nothing to say about this pregnancy. It's been tiring, but that's it. No pain, no sickness, no nothing. I am so excited to meet my second son in a few weeks. Nothing's ready, I didn't do any shopping, so I don't feel ready yet. But we're getting there. Félix doesn't seem to quite understand he is going to be a big brother, but he's starting to realise things are changing. And they will kep on changing for some time, becasue I am sure (even though I don't think I can even begin to imagine how much) life will never be the same after baby #2 enters our lives.
As for Félix, the love of my life, he's turning 2 next week. I can't believe it's already been 2 years since I gave birth to my little blonde prince. He is such a joy. He talks a lot (although I seem to be the only one who can understand him), he's always smiling and playing and making me laugh. Well, not always. He has entered the terrible-two zone, but for the moment, it's really not that bad. He started going to kindergarten in December, 2 days a week. It's been going very well and it gives me time to work and rest. He is a very funny, very sweet little boy and I can't wait to see how good a big brother he is going to be.
See how much he has grown...

I will try and update more often. At least to tell you when I will have given birth. If I can find some time between entertaining a 2 year old and breastfeeding an infant.